Thursday, July 23, 2015

Elegance Clean Responsive Blogger Template

elegance blogger template image
Elegance Clean Blogger Template, A stunning modern looking mobile ready responsive theme which provides unique and minimal blog with main focus is to showcase your content more beautiful than ever & bring a pleasant reading experience to your readers. It is especially designed for daily fashion, lifestyle or hobby bloggers who just love to share their story or content, whether it’s about life, fashion, travel, or just a simple personal stuff.
It allows your user to share your content to all major social networking sites like. Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and google+. Even your user can directly share your images using our custom pinit button on image hover for blogger.
Pinit button makes easy for your users to collect images from your website and build your friendly social value and increase the spread of your content across Pinterest.
Unlike many other blogger templates it has some new cool features for your blog website like Fixed Menu Bar, Beautiful featured post slider, fixed right sidebar, New Lightbox Slider with zoom effect, new advanced navigation Menu ( No More Confusing HTML Markup), Pinit button for images and many others.
With this Blogger template release, we have change our documentation as well. This new documentation helps you to customize the template more easily. It comes with screenshots, video presentation and clean explanation to customize the theme.If you still need help regarding anything in the template you can contact us.

Elegance Blogger Template Features

Responsive Layout
It has mobile ready responsive layout, allows people to display your content more beautifully on any device- Mobile Friendly Test. You can even test with various Screen sizes on Screen Resolution Simulator
New Featured Post Slider
It has Latest Featured post slider which shows all your featured post first whichever you want.
New Advanced Navigation Menu with Dropdown Animation
We have included a new advanced navigation menu, which allows you to add links easily. Now no more confusing HTML markup. Video Presentation is in Documentation.
Fixed navigation menu and sidebar
In this blog theme, you can have not just fixed or sticky navigation menu but sidebar as well, So now you can show important sidebar widget to user all the time, and looks beautiful when user scroll down the site.

Smooth Scrolling
It supports Smooth scrolling, allows you to provide a great and amazing reading experience to your user.
Responsive Dropdown Menu
It has a Responsive dropdown navigation menu which you can edit and change according to your need.
Custom Pinit Button
Allows people who are visiting your site to pin image directly from your blog website. it won't show unless you hover on image, so it doesn't affect your images.
Custom Instagram Widget
It supports Custom instagram widget which you have choice to add in right sidebar or in Footer area.
Custom Pinterest Widget
It supports Custom instagram widget which you have choice to add in right sidebar or in Footer area.
Google Adsense Ready Blogger Template
It supports Google Adsense code direclty in widget area, you can put ad of any size to generate revenue from site.

Please Note that It's Forbidden to remove Bthemez's Credit link for free user, deleting that link will redirect to our site. If you want to remove the link Please buy the theme.
This template is premium version although we have also incorporated the free versions also but that versions has some limitations, like:
  • 1. Irremovable Footer Links

  • 2. Basic Customization.

  • 3. Encrypted Code.

  • 4. Cannot use the template with multiple blogs/website.

  • 5. Limited Documentation Provided.

However, Premium version eliminates all these limitation.


Elegance Clean Blogger Template comes with New detailed documentation.Just open The Documentation folder, In which you'll see index.html file open it any browser. It have included various step by step guide and video to explain how to customize the template in very easily manner, But if you still feel you need help you can leave the comment below.we’ll try answer your questions immediately if you have same GMT with me (GMT +5.30).


Elegance Clean Responsive Blogger Template comes with New detailed documentation.Just open The Documentation folder, In which you'll see index.html file open it any browser. It have included various step by step guide and video to explain how to customize the template in very easily manner, But if you still feel you need help you can leave the comment below or contact us via contact page. We’ll try answer your questions immediately if you have same GMT with me (GMT +5.30) If not then please provide us 24 hrs to respond.

Developers Note:

Features Adding and Removing will be considered as a customization work, and which is chargeable according to your need.

Update Notice:

Files have been updated to newer version.
  1. Fixed- Slider Link not working.
  2. Fixed- Added Search Code for Sidebar.
  3. Fixed- Subscription Styling.
  4. and many other bug fixed.

Search Code For Blogger:

We've included custom search code for elegance blogger template. All you have to do is just copy the code below and paste it in any HTML/Javascript widget.

$9.99One time payment & Lifetime access

What you get

  • Specular Theme Standard License
  • No footer credits or sponsored links
  • Use in your unlimited sites/domains
  • Lifetime Theme Updates & Bug Fixes
  • Full XML Source Code

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